Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Meet the Gobots

By now its fair to say I just seem to have a lot of post centered around comedy. That, thrown with a bit of sci-fi and lotsa cartoons. So I have a bit of collection related to this.

Anyhow, do any of you remember a cartoon series called the "Challenge of the Gobots"?
By now its fair to say I just seem to have a lot of post centered around comedy. That, thrown with a bit of sci-fi and lotsa cartoons. So I have a bit of collection related to this.

Anyhow, do any of you remember a cartoon series called the "Challenge of the Gobots"? It was released in the 80's. In fact, they aired before Transformers. I remembered this show vaguely cos it was a long time ago. Luckily, there's youtube. So, while searching for some of the series, I came across this instead. Btw, this is NSFK(not safe for kids cos there's a bit of swearing).

Monday, September 29, 2008

A.R.Ms # 3: Clone Trooper, 442nd Siege Battalion

Hi folks,

This week we're gonna take a look at one of my Star Wars 3-3/4" figures. This is especially a favourite of mine. He's a clone trooper from the 442nd Siege Battalion. Now, despite the fact that the soldiers used in the Grand Army of the Republic are all clones, we have to take note that George Lucas has tried to make them more individuals especially since Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

I kinda like the idea that these guys are not just mindless troops following the orders of the Republic. Some of the clones have adopted names instead of just their serial no. For e.g. Captain Rex and Commander Cody. In spirit of this, I've decided to give this fella the name, Clone Trooper Ajin.

A.R.Ms Contents:


Clone Trooper Ajin with his box

This particular Trooper is from the Star Wars: The Saga Collection. The description on the back of the packaging reads :

"As the Clone Wars rage through the Republic, clone troopers are deployed far and wide to combat the Separatist droid armies. The troopers of the 442nd Battalion specialize in planetary assault missions and are sent to capture Cato Neimoidia, a key Trade Federation stronghold."

Clone Trooper Ajin comes with a DC-15 Blaster and a base plate.

Base Plate up close

View from behind with his long range communications antenna

The Armor up close: Very detailed with battle marks
  • Ball hinged head
  • Ball hinged shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel hips
  • Swivel legs
  • Ball hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles
In addition, this trooper has a non removable helmet like other clone trooper models. The Clone Trooper is using a Phase II armor.

And not forgetting, Clone Trooper Ajin does impersonations:

Michael Jackson?


For a new figure or mint in box, price could range between USD 7.00 to 15.00. Try checking Ebay if you're not picky. You can get it loose for as cheap as USD 2.00

Back to A.R.Ms contents
Till next week. Keep collecting guys.

Ready for action!!!

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Robot Chicken

I dunno if this is available in Asia. In Australia its with the Comedy Channel on Foxtel. But don't be fooled by the adverts. Even though they do spoofs based on cartoons from the 80's and so on, this is not for kids. Decapitation and swearing somehow becomes one of the main theme in this show. LOL.

For those who have not seen it, its not as mindless as you think. It's funny in the "what if" category. Like, what if during Star Wars episode IV you get to see the behind the scenes talk between Darth Vader and the Emperor.

Such as the one below(Warning: could be hilarious to those who share my kind of sense of humor). Again, this is not for the kids.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

What if...

...the Superfriends had a maid to clean up after them? I had a blast when I first saw this video....the Superfriends had a maid to clean up after them? I had a blast when I first saw this video. It's hilarious.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

A.R.Ms # 2: Transformers, Starscream Deluxe

Hi again for another review. This week is a tribute to one of the meanest and most cunning of all Decepticons. Being second in command, Starscream is always plotting against the Autobots and Megatron at the same time. He has always felt that his approach is the best way to take down Optimus Prime and the goody-goody Autobots.

Personally, I've always loved the colors they used for Starscream in the G1 cartoons. In 2006(I think cos it says on the box), Hasbro released the classic deluxe G1 line entitled Transformers: Robots in Disguise. As far as I know they were only 4 figures which were Starscream, Bumblebee, Rodimus and Astrotrain(correct me if I'm wrong please).

I only have Starscream, 'cos he was the only one I wanted out of the four, so don't ask further. An F-15 jet is so much appealing than a car. So without further ado...

The Packaging(Front)

The Packaging(Back)

F-15 Eagle

Decepticon Air Commander

The features are almost flawless


Frontal view, super sleek!

In Robot form he's even more deadlier...haha. That was so corny. Anyway, you know how sometimes you get Transformers that looks ok in vehicle mode but when you transform them, with the exception of the head and their color, they look nothing like the cartoon versions? This is not the case...Thank God. Just take a look.

This is his Chow Yun Fatt with two guns pose

Articulation wise, it's not bad. Around 11 articulations that I noticed:
  • Swivel head
  • Ball jointed shoulder(i'll get back to you on this one)
  • Swivel elbow
  • Ball jointed legs
  • Swivel knees
Regarding the shoulder. It's great that they made it ball jointed, but if you notice his wings are close and gets it the way. The back of the box also states that he is the fastest flyer among the Decepticon ranks, and he claims it below.

Starscream: "I'm so fast you'll only see a blur!! Hahaha!"

Side by side with Optimus Prime from the animated series.

If you're looking to get one of these, I think its available on Amazon. But mind you its more than USD 30, which is more than the retail price of USD 10 when it first came out. So, till my next review. Same day, same

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Monday, September 15, 2008

A.R.Ms # 1: Star Wars/Transformers Crossovers


This week for A.R.Ms, I'm gonna review one of the Star Wars/Transformers crossover action figure from Hasbro. This is the Snowspeeder/Luke Skywalker action figure. This was the packaging that came with it.
I would say this particular model, from a Transformers point of view is a deluxe figure. I'll start off with the figure in robot form. Btw, in robot form, it's suppose to be Luke Skywalker.


If you're saying to yourself...WTF? It's ok. I also thought the same way. It's safe to say, I'm not liking the robot mode. It does not even remotely resemble Luke. I like the helmet...but thats about it.

A close up view of 'Luke' and err...his beard?

Articulation wise, I can't really say much. I'm not gonna display it in this form anyway. Now moving on, you transform it to the Snowspeeder. Comparing it to the model made by Hasbro for Power of the Force and the one you'd see in the movies, I'd say this comes close to perfection. It is very detailed with minor differences(not in terms of size of course).

It's just too cool

You can open the cockpit and they even provide a tiny figure of (I'm assuming) Luke Skywalker.

Tiny Figure fits nicely in cockpit

If they really wanted to go the extra mile, they could've done 2 things. First, had another rebel pilot at the back of the cockpit to man the laser/harpoon gun. 2nd, if you remember your Star Wars movie, you'd remember when the snowspeeder turn the flaps would open.Now that would have been super duper cool feature.

Notice how the flaps open in the movie

The flap does open but at different angle. :(

Battle damage and the metal plates are part of the design. Very detailed for a small vehicle.

Overall, a good action figure. If not for the robot mode(transformers), then get it for the Snowspeeder vehicle. For Star Wars fans, its will be a nice addition to your collection.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Review: Transformers Animated Dvd Battle Pack

Hi, this is my first review for this blog. I'm not going to do reviews on the latest action figures to hit the market. Instead I'll just do reviews on the collections that I currently have.

This time I'm gonna do a review of the Transformers Animated Dvd Battle Pack which consist of:
  • Two deluxe, battle damage version figures of Optimus Prime, Megatron
  • A Dvd featuring the episode "The Battle Begins"
This is the box it came in:

The package shows the two leaders in 'battle' stance while in the background you can see the dvd that comes with the figures.

Optimus Prime:
Optimus: "Man this battle axe is heavy!"

I love the deluxe version of this line. To me the deluxe version is just nice. Not too big or too small(we all have our preference). Optimus comes with a huge battle axe and you have a place to put it in earth truck mode. There are 10 points of articulation that I can see while he is in Robot mode.

Optimus: "Check out my tattoos...err..I mean battle scars"
  • Swivel head
  • Ball-jointed shoulders
  • Ball-jointed arms
  • Swivel hips w/battle swing action
  • Ball jointed legs
  • Swivel knees
Since this is a battle pack, you can see battle scars on the features such as face, arm, chest and torso. They still manage to maintain Optimus G1 look. The color schemes and even his head.

Transforming him to truck mode is simple enough. The tyres rolls smoothly which I like. The battle axe even goes to the back as part of the truck mode. Overall I like this model. Decent design with good articulation.

Megatron: "Hey gun is bigger than yours!"

Here's where I have a problem. I love the G1 action figures, not so much a fan of the Transformer movie line. This Megatron reminds me a bit of the movie. His features are sharp and rightfully so, cos he is in Cybertronian mode and he is evil after all.

Moving on, points of articulation is about 12. More than Optimus but that doesn't necessarily mean its better.

Optimus: "Please don't do your breakdance routine"
  • Swivel head
  • Ball-jointed shoulders
  • Ball-jointed arms
  • Swivel hips w/battle swing action
  • Ball jointed legs
  • Ball-jointed knees

Megatron: "I'll do whatever I want! Now say UNCLE!"

Unfortunately, Megatron's ball-joint hips and the swivel joints between his thighs and knees are rather loose, making it difficult to pose the figure in such a way that he stands on his own.

Megatron converts into a er...spaceship? Or some sort of spacecraft that will resemble his helicopter mode in the Animated series.

On the whole, the deluxe model is good, especially Optimus. The plastic mold used feels solid and not cheap and flimsy. Plus with an added bonus of the Dvd and a reasonable price, I recommend you get this battle pack for your collection. Cheers.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Its fathers day today in Australia. So, to all the fathers out there, yours truly included. Have a blast, and may the force be with you.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I came across this pic of the Hulk and Master Yoda a few years back. I dunno why I googled for it all of a sudden. Anyhow, it's funny and cool at the same time. Don'tcha think so?

Yoda: My Big friend...forget to fast,you must not...

Come on...say it. It's freaking cool isn't it?



All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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