Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Monday, October 27, 2008

A.R.Ms # 9: Bumblebee Classic Deluxe

Someone say "SWEEEEET!!!". Just gotta love the classics. Even though technically this is just a modern sculpt of a classic version(ok it's just the head)...who cares right? He's just so darn cute!!

Although I have to admit I miss the VW Beetle look in car mode. This particular figure is from Takara Tomy. Well, it doesn't matter if the wordings are in Japanese. I think it looks better that way.

A.R.Ms Contents




Bumblebee comes with a trailer and jetski

In car mode...very hip and sporty

The jetski and trailer forms his jetpack in robot mode

But I think he looks better without the jetpack


Bumblebee Classic Deluxe
  • Swivel neck
  • Ball jointed shoulders
  • Ball jointed elbows
  • Ball jointed hips
  • Hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles



This figure is going for USD 20 and is cheaper than the model made by Hasbro.


Till next week guys. Keep collecting!!

Related Posts:

A.R.Ms # 8: Transformers Animated, Elite Guard Bumblebee

Let's have a look at another Transformers Animated figure. It's everybody's favourite, the yellow dude with the cuteness factor, Bumblebee. I actually debated with myself if I should get the normal version or this one. After comparing the two, this looks much cooler.

Sporting a black and gold theme, this is one Bumblebee you should get your hands on if you want a variation from the standard yellow.

A.R.Ms contents:




The black and gold paint looks too cool


Elite Guard Bumblebee
  • Ball jointed neck
  • Ball jointed shoulders
  • Ball hinged elbows
  • Ball jointed hips
  • Ball hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles

"Check out my yellow rims.."


The pricing is USD 10 to 15. As usual it's available on Amazon or other online action figure outlets. In Aussie this is about AUD 25.

Overall a good figure. My only complaint is the paint work. They could've done better. Some of the gold paint came off. So, please on that bit ok?

Related Posts:

Monday, October 20, 2008

A.R.Ms # 7: Iron Man Mark 01

Bulky and chances is weighing a ton in real life(and of course by 'real life' I mean the alternate reality all comic/action figure collectors live in). Hasbro released its movie line of the Iron Man 2008. I really wanted to get the whole line including the bad ass Iron Monger. But when you look at the Mark 02 and 03's not really that great. Especially after our pals at the House of El announced there was an Iron Man movie replica by Hot Toys.

So now on with the show:

A.R.Ms contents:





Iron Man Mark 01:
  • Ball jointed shoulder
  • Ball jointed elbow
  • Swivel torso(very limited)
  • Ball jointed hips
  • Ball jointed knee
  • Ball jointed ankle


There's not much that this action figure does besides looking tough and a good paperweight. Sorry


I believe this is readily available in Brunei for like BND 20+. Although I vaguely remember only the Mark 02 & 03 was only available. Anyway, on Amazon or other sites this would USD 13 - USD 18.

I'm being honest when I say that I got this action figure because of the sculpt...and also 'cos it was a steal at AUD 12. LoL.

Related Posts:

A.R.Ms # 6: Star Wars, Luke Skywalker's X-Wing

This has got to be my favourite of all the vehicles in the Star Wars universe. This is from the Star Wars: The Saga Collection released by Hasbro in 2006. The X-Wing Starfighter played a vital role as part of the Rebel Alliance attack force. Luke Skywalker used his X-Wing, co-pilot by R2-D2, to destroy one of the Imperial Army's massive weapon, the Deathstar.

The X-Wing comes with an action figure of Luke Skywalker, swamp monster and removable moss.

A.R.Ms Contents:




View from the top

Opening the box


Fine details all around

You can fit your astromech droid as well

I used an R2-D2 from the AOTC collection


X-Wing Starfighter:
  • Drop down landing gear
  • Opening cockpit
  • Swivel Seat
Luke Skywalker:
  • Ball jointed neck
  • Swivel shoulders
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel torso
  • Swivel shoulders
  • Swivel legs


The inside of the cockpit

You can move the seat to the front to reveal a storage store his gun and lightsaber

Trying to use the force to raise the ship

Back to A.R.Ms contents

You can find this on Amazon or some online toy store specializing in Star Wars. Price ranges from USD 45 to USD 60. Minus shipping of course. Since the X-Wing with its packaging is quite bulky, I'd guess the shipping and handling to Brunei would be around USD 30++. If you do decide to add the X-wing to your collection I really recommend this figure.

At first I thought about doing just one review every Monday. Now that I've thought about it, I'll do more than one every Monday 'cos lets face it. There's a lot of action figures out there. :)

Related Posts:

Monday, October 13, 2008

A.R.Ms # 5: Star Wars/Transformers Crossovers

Hi again to another A.R.Ms. I'll be very brief with this session. Like my previous review on the Star Wars/Transformers line, I had a problem with the design in the robot mode(note to self: Stop buying it!). I have also previously mentioned in my earlier post about my affinity towards Star Wars vehicle, in particular the X-Wing Starfighter. So, when I saw the X-Wing version of the S.W.T(Star Wars/Transformers) how could I resist? I didn't even think(sometimes I do, I think).

A.R.Ms Contents:




In vehicle mode, the X-Wing looks like it has been made in a rush to meet a deadline. It just looks out of proportions. I think it looks kinda short. Some of the parts could've been painted like the turbine. Still, it is a decent vehicle.

It's not that bad...but then again its not great either. The landing gear was a nice touch

They even designed R2-D2 into the sculpt

I take back what I said about the Snowspeeder in robot mode. This is even worse. I only managed to convert it halfway before I decided its just not worth it. So, I'm sorry for not showing you pictures of the X-Wing in crappy robot mode.


X-Wing Vehicle Mode:
  • Wings are hinged to form the 'X' attack formation
  • Drop down landing gear
  • Opening cockpit
Luke Skywalker Robot Mode:
  • Swivel head
  • Hinged elbow
  • Ball jointed hips
  • Swivel knees
  • Swivel ankles

Back to A.R.Ms contents


The price for this item is between USD 25 to USD 30 depending on where you buy online. Amazon still has stock of this item.


Related Posts:



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