Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Friday, October 30, 2009

# 49 : Star Wars, Clone Wars - 501st & BARC Speeder


Pic of the Day : Ravage and Soundwave

Ravage and Soundwave by Gogdog

Friday, October 23, 2009

Stormtroopers in Brunei

These guys rock! Long live the Empire!

Monday, October 19, 2009

# 48 : Star Wars, Clone Wars - Crab Droid


Friday, October 16, 2009

Get ready for something, something, something...dark side

I'm really looking forward to the release of the sequel to Family Guy: Blue Harvest. The sequel entitled Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Dark Side will be a parody of Episode V: Empire Strikes Back.

A kick-me-in-the-nuts kinda funny. Expected release date is 22nd December 2009. Just in time before I go back to Brunei.

Pic of the Day : Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement by Lobo

"Remember kids, don't do crack!!"

# 47 : Astro Boy, The Movie: Astro Boy, 3 3/4"


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pic of the Day : Silver Tachikoma

Silver Tachikoma by Tasayu Tasnaphun

# 46 : G.I. Joe, Rise of Cobra - Steel Crusher AVP


Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Do You Collect?

This question was Tagged by Double H. I did a similar blog post about this here. But lets give his questions a go shall we?


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Toy Society Collector on Facebook

For all Bruneian Toy Collectors. Spread the word. Join the group now.

(Click on pic to go to the group page)



All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

W.A.R. Banners:

If you'd like to exchange banners, send me your banner and feel free to use the banners below. You link us and we'll link you back. Its as simple as that. Thanks.

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