Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Not another meat eating Dinosaur...

"What's that noise?? Another meat eating Dinosaur??"

"Oh it's just lil Lobo!!"

Name : Toy Story Collection - Rex
Height : 13" (Actual Movie Size)
Toy Company : Thinkway Toys
Features : Poseable arms, legs and neck. Responds to your voice.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The World Breaker has arrived!!

I just finished watching this movie. For those who have read the comic I'm guessing you'll want to bitch about the many changes made in the movie. For those who haven't, I'm hoping you'll want to read the graphic novel after you've seen this. Personally, I found it entertaining. Not 'great' but just so-so because I wanted it to be longer. Anyway check it out guys.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pic of the Day : Lara Croft

Lara Croft by bigflytrap

# 53 : Appleseed Saga - Ex Machina Snap Kits by Hot Toys

These are definitely not your average 1/20 figure. These are waaayyy better.
Name : Appleseed Saga : Ex Machina
Height : 4" - 10"
Toy Company : Hot Toys
Price: AUD 130

On the left is the box it came in with. Inside are 10 individual boxes.Its really a waste IMHO. The box is just too damn big for a small figure. The idea of the 'Snap Kits' is that the figures are disassembled in their boxes. I'm unsure as to why they did this. It's not that we had anything to paint or that we could mix & match one figure with another. Maybe I'll never know the answer to this...moving along...
There are 5 characters in this series and 1 mecha suit. But in order to complete the mecha suit(The Landmate), you need to get the whole box containing 10 little boxes. Confused? The big box contains 2 x Deunan, 2 x Tereus, 2 x Briareos, 2 x Rhoetus and 2 x Manuel Aeacus. Why? Because each character and its double comes with different parts of the Landmate e.g. Deunan comes with right arm and her double comes with the left arm. Bastards aren't they? LOL. I don't mind having extra Deunans or Briareos but the rest...let's be frank. We don't care right? Also it claims these are 1/20 in scale...yet they're larger than the average SW figures.

The details are AMAZING! For such small figures they are bloody well made. If only they were the same size as my Star Wars or Marvel Universe figures...*sigh*. The paint app is spot on and the sculpt is terrifyingly accurate. One thing I would like to point out is that these figures feel very light as compared to my SW or MU collection. Yet they are very sturdy with the exception to Deunan's wrist which I feel are very fragile.

The Landmate is worth every cent. The sheer detail and the huge gun...don't forget the huge gun looks like something that could make Robocop pee in his metal pants(oldskool reference!!) . The bad thing about it is it's catered to fit Deunan's head ONLY. Sure you can try fitting the other figures on to it. But I tell you, it'll look like their head is about to explode.

Accessories are a plentiful for the main two characters. The left is Deunan's and the right is Briareos. Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. But it's still more than the accessories for the other 3.

Posing them is a cinch. All the figures comes with 14 points of articulation. Ball-jointed neck, shoulders, hinged elbows, wrists, swivel waist, ball-jointed hips, hinged knees and ankles.

This is by far in my top 10 of all my collections. Hot Toys just live up to their reputation, even for smaller scaled figures. I'm glad I decided on getting these instead of the 1/6 figure. I just really, really wanted the Landmate.

Score : **** out of *****

Some extra pics:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Walls Are Closing In

I'm just speechless...someone please get me this for an early birthday gift!!

Star Wars Death Star Trash Compactor Bookends Statue


Friday, February 12, 2010

Pic of the Day : winterized colonial marine

winterized colonial marine by resistence827

# 52 : Toy Story - Sheriff Woody Talking Figure by Mattel

I'm back after a long holiday. Sadly, despite my extensive search for action figures in Brunei, it was not as productive as I had hoped. In fact it was down right embarrassing. I have nothing to show because all my toy expenses went to fixing my car.

Anyway, it's been almost 2 weeks since I got back here in Canberra and I'm still getting my act together. So I thought I'd start off the blog with something light. I know the Toy Story movie has been around for ages but Disney Pixar is re-releasing the movie in 3D at the cinemas in anticipation of TS3 this June, the store shelves are packed once more with TS merchandise(it has been there for the last 3-4 months I think). Lil' Princess Lobo is so into Pixar movies as of late and TS is her fav. So I thought it was fitting that her first action figure/doll to be this.

Name: Toy Story - Sheriff Woody Talking Figure
Height: 14"
Toy Company: Mattel
Price: AUD 45 - 60

The packaging is very TS theme-ish. A big window to display the figure with Andy's wallpaper design in the back. There is a hole in the back of the box for you to pull Woody's string to hear his signature sayings. For some reason I've always liked that cloudy wallpaper. It looks so innocent and calming.

"Woody is the town Sheriff and Andy's favorite toy. All other toys look up to Woody until a certain Space Ranger lands in Andy's room." (forgot to put this in earlier -- ed). Whilst this figure is not really movie accurate(because the company claims the Sheriff Woody 'Toy Story Collection' is), it's good enough.

They can't really go wrong with the sculpt because I'm assuming they're using the 3D model used in the movie to create these toys. The head, hands and boots are made out of soft plastic. The shirt and pants are cloth and the only accessory it comes with is the hat which is made out of soft rubber.

But the first thing I checked about this figure was the name under the right boot. I'd feel really cheated if 'Andy' was not printed there. Also worth mentioning is the pull string. The string is not as long as the one in the movie. The reason behind this is that this figure is electronic and the 'pull string' at the back is realistic purposes only. There are 7 sayings which are: "Draw", "This town ain't big enough for the two of us", "There's a snake in my boot!", "You're my favourtie Deputy", "Somebody's poisoned the waterhole", "Yeehaw, Giddyup partner!" and "Reach for the sky". Personally, I'd prefer this figure to have more sayings.

Articulation wise is a definite no-no. This figure does not stand on its own and the arms and legs just flails around when you carry it. Maybe that's the real appeal of the toy? Honestly, my daughter just loves to carry it around.

This is a very nice toy to get for yourself or you kids. I would suggest you get this if its for your kid. If you're the toy collector/enthusiast, like I said earlier, there is the 'Toy Story Collection' version which will cost another $20 - $30 more. That figure is slightly taller than this, has more sayings(a LOT more) and comes with an authentication certificate. In other words, things that a kid could care less especially the certificate. I've also bought a Buzz Lightyear to accompany Woody. I'll do the review for that next. Till then, keep collecting guys!

Score: ****1/2 out of *****



All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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