Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sci-Fi Brunei - Lord of the 12 Rules

Freakin' hilarious!!! and educational might I add.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Story So Far...

This are Lil' Lobo's Toy Story figures so far. I do think I'm spoiling her at an early age but I just can't help it. Every time I tell myself that this is the last T.S. toy I'm getting her, the following month some new figure would be displayed on the shelf. The latest one I got her last month was this.
A Mr. Potato Head!! It's true that Lil' Lobo is too young to appreciate toys but for me, as long as it's safe for her to play with I don't mind. Though these toys aren't really cheap, what is sad for me is that compared to my S.W. figures, her's look like its worth the $$$.
Don't you agree?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pic of the Day : Deunan

Deunan by Lobo

Friday, March 5, 2010

Target, how I hate thee...

for doing a sale on toys at the moment. I had told myself that the Ghostbusters gift set would be my last purchase for now because I'm trying to organize my eBay store. Yet, this is what I bought just a few hours ago at Target.
G.I. Joe - R.O.C. : Courtney "Cover Girl" Krieger by Hasbro @AUD 4.87
Marvel Universe: Daredevil by Hasbro @AUD 18
WWE - Build & Brawl : MVP by Jakks @ AUD 4.87

Daredevil was a must for me cos he's one of my fav Marvel Heroes. The first & last item was on clearance with an additional 20% off. Cover Girl was a no-brainer(no pun intended) because I like to provide my male action figures on the shelves some company. Yeah, I'm a regular action figure pimp.

I admit I'm not a huge wrestling fan ever since Goldberg quit and I have no idea who MVP is. Why I picked him up? He was next to Cover Girl in the clearance bin. As simple as that. But he might come in handy some day if I do get around to making my "Magneto against the world" diorama. He could be the one crushed under a pile of metal bars. That would be cool wouldn't it?

What else was he supposed to say?

This is a clip from Family Guy's : 'Something, something, something Darkside'. Don't try this on your other half.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ghostbusters 1 & 2 Limited Edition Gift Set

I received this in the mail today. Snagged this on eBay last week for AUD 15. I got this primarily for the Stay Puft statue. The statue is 6.5" in height and made by Sideshow Collectibles(sweeettt!!)
Also included was a small container of green slime and trading cards.
And of course the Ghosbusters 1 & 2 DVD.
All in all, in my opinion, $15 well spent. A definite must have merchandise for the die-hard Ghostbusters fan.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pic of the Day : Ultra Magnus

Ultra Magnus by rodpowley952

I would gladly be her fulltime Arch-Nemesis...

Seriously...if you had to fight her all the time...wouldn't you? This is the latest Premium Format Figure statue from Sideshow Collectibles. The estimated time of release is December 2010. Sideshow is selling two versions. One version(above) is the standard edition. Below is the exclusive which features a switch-out portrait for alternate display. The exclusive is available for pre-order at USD 269.99. A long way to go right? Wrong. It's already SOLD-OUT. Only the standard edition is available and I'm guessing it'll be sold-out soon.


Name : Ms. Marvel
Height : 19"
Product Type : Premium Format Figure
Toy Company : Sideshow Collectibles
Price : USD 259.99 (standard edition)


Monday, March 1, 2010

Clone Trooper Fives & Rys

I finally managed to get these two clone troopers last year in December. I was really annoyed that Hasbro didn't release CT Fives or CT Rys as a single pack. And worse, made it a Walmart exclusive. That just means that if you're outside the states it is hard to predict where those 'exclusives' will turn up. I was fortunate to grab Fives at TRU. It came with another Captain Rex. I think Rex has been the easiest figure to find for the Clone Wars series. Come to think of it, he was the first figure to be released, a Mail-Away figure nonetheless. Fives has a distinct tattoo of the number '5' on the right side of the head. Him and fellow CT Echo were inducted into the 501st Legion by Captain Rex.

Name : Star Wars - The Clone Wars, Clone Trooper Fives
Assortment : Under the Helmet, 2-pack, based on the Clone Wars Animation Series "Rookies"

CT Rys was another Walmart exclusive 2-pack and came with Lt. Thire(released as Commander Thire in single pack). I never saw this pack here in Canberra but luckily I found a cheap one on eBay. He is part of the Coruscant guards under the command of Jedi General Yoda.

Name : Star Wars - The Clone Wars, Clone Trooper Rys
Assortment : Ambush, 2-pack, based on the Clone Wars Animation Series "Ambush"

# 54 : Toy Story - Ultimate Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear Deluxe Figure by Mattel

That's a mouth full isn't it?
Name : Toy Story - Ultimate Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear Deluxe Figure
Height : 12"
Toy Company : Mattel
Price : AUD 50 - 75 (the lowest price was on sale)

"Buzz Lightyear has just landed in Andy's room. The only problem is he doesn't realize that he is a toy. Buzz thinks he is a real Space Ranger on an intergalactic mission to defeat the evil Emperor Zurg!"

I have to admit I was a bit hesitant to get this version instead of the TS Collection from Thinkway Toys. After thinking about the cost difference and the fact its for Lil' Lobo, I don't think I can bear to see her throw/drag a $100 toy around the house.

The packaging is similar to the Sheriff Woody I reviewed earlier. The box has a window display to showcase the whole figure. Buzz is shown in a greeting sort of pose.

This is the 2nd best Buzz Lightyear action figure in the market in terms of likeness to the movie. He has the right height, the articulation, phrases, wings and laser. The only thing missing is the flip wrist communicator on his left hand. I really thought they could have just added that in. The paint is spot on. I've gone through the whole thing and couldn't find a fault. If there is, its probably minuscule. The one problem that annoyed me is trying to get the figure to stand. Due to the massive upper body, posing it is a bit tricky because you don't want the legs to be too straight and close apart.

The sculpt is very good. Details were given to every curve and what-not. My fav is the face. I'm glad they went with the smiling and cocky look that Buzz had when he still thought he was an actual Space Ranger.

The buttons work like in the movies. The big red button will make the wings pop out. The 3 small buttons activate the phrases Buzz but are not specific to a particular saying. You can just press one color to get all the sayings which are: "To infinity and beyond!", "I am Buzz Lightyear!", "I am Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace", "There's a secret mission in uncharted space. Let's go!", "I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion from the evil Emperor Zurg". The helmet does retract and closes but no 'whoosh' sound(wouldn't that be really, really cool??). The laser makes two noises. Unfortunately, you cannot pose him pressing the laser with his left hand.

Articulation is good but not not great. Due to the design of his space suit some of the movements are limited. He has a swivel neck, swivel-hinged shoulders, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, hinged finger/s, swivel waist, swivel-hinged hips, hinged knees and swivel-hinged ankles.

This toy is a great addition to your Toy Story Collection. Surprisingly its quite durable even with heavy play(I don't promise it'll survive a fall from the top of the stairs though). Lil Lobo has dragged it around(because it's heavy) and once in a while she throws it to the floor while watching the movie. So far, so good. The price is not bad if you think about the amount of plastic and electronics that you're getting. If only Mattel had thought of making the box re-usable as a diorama.

Score : 3.5 out of 5



All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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