Or Mezco Vs. Gentle Giant Ltd. to be more exact. I finally took out the Hellboy that I got 2 weeks ago. Here for comparison are the two Hellboy from 2 different companies. The other is from Mezco, Hellboy Movie line. For simplicity sake I'll refer to them as H.M(Mezco) and H.G(Gentle Giant).
Gentle Giant Ltd.

The H.G sculpt is decent overall. The details on the belt and its accessories is very nice. Plus, the character being red and all, I wasn't expecting anyone to mess up with the paint job. The articulation is also very good. Very poseable and playable. Die hard fans would complain that this figure must have or should have the trench coat. I don't mind either way. This figure comes with two alternate hands.

As you can see the figure from Mezco is bigger but the one from Gentle Giant Ltd. is more size appropriate with my Marvel Legend figures. Overall, I really can't decide which is better...and it looks like Spidey can't also.
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