# 51 : G.I. Joe, ROC - Mole Pod with Terra-Viper
The Mole Pods were the vehicles Cobra used to infiltrate the Joe's headquarters. The Cobra team was led by the Baroness and Storm Shadow. This is a great time to grab yourself G.I. Joe : ROC merchandise because its Christmas sale and most shops are trying to clear out the figures to make way for other new figures. For the most part I do think that shops overstocked on the G.I. Joe figures because it is after all, a well known brand. Yet there were a LOT of the figures on the shelves, even when some shops were selling them for a reduced price of AUD 10 each. The vehicles on the other hand, is another story.
I really like the packaging for the ROC line. They're nice and compact unlike the SW deluxe figures. It has a front window to show the vehicle, pretty straightforward marketing. There is one issue though. The Terra-Viper figure at the back of the box is different from the one you get. The figure in the box is a darker shade of blue with black vest.
"Cobra Mole Pod vehicles drill through the walls of the underground G.I. Joe Pit headquarters. Using a composite carbon steel drill bit that chews through solid rock, these powerful drilling machines are just one of the attack vehicles masterminded by Destro, The head of M.A.R.S. industries."
The overall design of the vehicle is superb. The drill spins if you push the vehicle. My only complaints would be the red and unattractive missile/rocket at the tip of the vehicle. I know that Hasbro couldn't make the tip of the drill sharp like in the movie because then it would be a hazardous toy.Secondly would be the interior. It's nice and all but I wished there was more stickers for the screens instead of just making it look too plain.
Accessory wise there's none. No diorama, no extra weapons. The figure that comes with the vehicle looks very cool. I didn't think about it much when I first got it but now it's starting to grow on me. He just looks like a badass.The articulation for the Terra-Viper is the usual ball jointed neck, swivel hinged shoulders, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, ball hinged hips, hinged knees, swivel hinged ankles.
If you see this vehicle I suggest picking it up. If its on sale, even better. Imagine having more than 5 of these vehicles. That would be a sight. And it would look great with your normal Joes(other than the ROC) or your 1:18 figures.Score: **** out of *****
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