Target, how I hate thee...
for doing a sale on toys at the moment. I had told myself that the Ghostbusters gift set would be my last purchase for now because I'm trying to organize my eBay store. Yet, this is what I bought just a few hours ago at Target.G.I. Joe - R.O.C. : Courtney "Cover Girl" Krieger by Hasbro @AUD 4.87
Marvel Universe: Daredevil by Hasbro @AUD 18
WWE - Build & Brawl : MVP by Jakks @ AUD 4.87
Daredevil was a must for me cos he's one of my fav Marvel Heroes. The first & last item was on clearance with an additional 20% off. Cover Girl was a no-brainer(no pun intended) because I like to provide my male action figures on the shelves some company. Yeah, I'm a regular action figure pimp.
I admit I'm not a huge wrestling fan ever since Goldberg quit and I have no idea who MVP is. Why I picked him up? He was next to Cover Girl in the clearance bin. As simple as that. But he might come in handy some day if I do get around to making my "Magneto against the world" diorama. He could be the one crushed under a pile of metal bars. That would be cool wouldn't it?
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