Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Monday, November 24, 2008

A.R.Ms # 16: Star Wars, Rebel Snowspeeder

Vintage Star Wars figures is the rage among Star Wars Collectors. I was fortunate to get my hands on this baby; a Rebel Snowspeeder from the Power of the Force action line made by Kenner. It came out in 1995.

The packaging on the back of the box reads:

Model: Rebel Alliance Combat Snowspeeder
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Length: 5.5 Meters
Maximum Speed: 570 kph
Weapons: Double Laser Cannon, Power Harpoon With Tow Cable

"As the battle for freedom took to the frozen planet of Hoth, Rebel Alliance forces transformed the Incom T-47 airspeeder to a snowspeeder. They achieved this by equipping it with coated, angled, heavy armor plating, placing dust covers over intake and exhaust ports and adding insulation to handle the extreme temperatures. Manned by a crew of two, a forward-facing pilot and rear-facing gunner, the snowspeeder's firepower consists of twin laser cannons mounted on the front fuselage and a rear-mounted harpoon cannon with tow cable.

The snowspeeder's harpoon was the only weapon that was successful in the fight against the fearsome Imperial AT-AT vehicles. The harpoon was fired at the legs of the walker, entangling them and toppling the vehicle, rendering it useless."

A.R.Ms Contents:


I got this item through ebay for a price of AUD 25 which I think is worth the money because it was in very good condition. The box though looks kinda old because it is cardboard after all. Some hardcore collectors would just keep it in the box. Me on the other hand...(what?? it's a toy!).



The sticker sheet(have I ever mentioned I hate putting on stickers?!!)


The sculpt is very good. The details made to the exposed panel on the right side is a plus. The cockpit is spacious enough to hold the two figures. My favourite part of this vehicle is the power harpoon with tow cable. Not that I can actually use it to bring down an AT-AT walker, let alone another person.

The guns light up when you press the button underneath the vehicle with firing sound...wicked


  • Real Movie Sounds
  • Opening Dual Cockpit
  • Automatic Landing Gear
  • Firing Harpoon Cannon With Tow Cable
  • Genuine Firing Sound and Flashing Laser Cannons


There's not much 'freestyle' poses you can do with a vehicle is it now? LoL


I wanted to laugh when I saw the price they were selling this on Amazon. USD 87 - USD 107. Interested?

Princess Leia: "I love you"
Han Solo: "I know".
-Leia to Solo in Empire Strikes Back, just before Solo was encased in carbonite

Related Posts:

Monday, November 17, 2008

A.R.Ms # 15: Transformers Animated, Deluxe Snarl

Another Transformers Animated figure. Who doesn't love the 'cute' and not-so-smart Dinobots. They're like the court jesters of the Transformers Universe. Plus, they're a strong bunch compared to the rest of the Autobots.

A.R.Ms Contents:





Being a deluxe figure, I wasn't expecting much from it. Conversion was simple enough. The sculpt in dinosaur mode is beautiful. I can imagine if this was a voyager or leader class it would be freaking awesome.

In robot mode, I liked the fact that Hasbro decided to give him articulated fingers. His weapon is a bit odd in terms of the color. I think the black and orange/red color we see in the animated series is better.

Instead we have this translucent orange club that looks like a mutated orange sherbet sweet.

Due to his sculpt there isn't much movement in his arms and no movement in the torso. That's a shame (shame on you Hasbro!). Hasbro should also look into the paint for their figures (Q.C. problem?). Snarl sports a gold color on some of his body and they seem to be coming off and this was before I even opened the packaging. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Snarl (Robot mode):
  • Swivel neck
  • Swivel shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Hinged fingers
  • Swivel hinged hips
  • Hinged knees
Snarl (Dinosaur mode):
  • Swivel legs
  • Hinged knees

Click on pic to enlarge

Click on pic to enlarge

Strangely the price ranges from USD 10 to USD 25. Go figure (no pun intended)


Overall a great figure to add to your Transformers collection.

Related Posts:

A.R.Ms # 14: Marvel Legends, Cyclops

The X-Men. Comics, Graphic Novels, Cartoons, Movies and Action Figures. Every fan has a favourite character/s. Mine has always been Gambit and Psylocke. Unfortunately, I only have Psylocke. But this isn't a Psylocke review is it? It's Cyclops. Leader of the X-Men and the No. 1 student of Professor Xavier.

A.R.Ms Contents:


This Marvel Legends package comes with the "Build a Figure" series. The figure in this series is for the Brood Queen.




Here's the deal. I take one look at this figure, see the points of articulation and I say "Nice". But (of course there's a 'but') with a lot of articulation, you'll lose the chances of a good sculpt.

Up close and personal, he's a keeper. The paintwork is good, not the best, but still its very good.

You can even do his trademark 'fingers-touching-visor blaster'.


  • Swivel & hinged neck
  • Ball hinged shoulders
  • Swivel biceps(i'm not really sure what to call it)
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Hinged fingers(right hand)
  • Swivel torso
  • Swivel abdomen
  • Ball hinged hips
  • Hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles



and who said Cyclops was too serious???


USD 15 - USD 20 on Amazon. Could be lower on other online sites.

There's about 3 to 5 variations of Cyclops in the market at the moment. One follows the suit he used to wear in the comic books and 90's tv series. The blue and yellow suit. Another to add to your collection if you don't already have it.

Cheers and keep collecting.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

A.R.Ms # 13: DC Direct, Superman

First off, this review is for the biggest Superman fan I know, my pal Kal-El of The House of El. Now then, lets get the ball rolling shall we?

From DC Direct, Superman comes to life straight out of the storyline from the best-selling "Last Son" graphic novel. The figure is just absolutely gorgeous. It broke my heart just to open the packaging hehe (I really should've gotten 2). The figure also comes with a Superman logo base. Sweeet!!!

A.R.Ms Contents:






  • Swivel neck
  • Swivel hinged shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel hips
  • Hinged knees

Note: (say the following words in one breath and a monotonous tone)
"This has not been a paid advert by Heroes in a Box and the author would like to express that this site is not affiliated with H.I.B. Furthermore, Superman would never say "Wassup" because he has more class than that."


USD 20 on Amazon but why bother? For all the Bruneian collectors you can drop by Heroes In a Box. This figure is part of a two figure exclusive set (Superman & Bizarro) available for BND 79.

No need to worry about waiting for your item to be delivered from overseas, no worrying about expensive shipping charges. What better deal can a collector wish for?

Till next time, keep collecting guys!!!

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A.R.Ms # 12: Star Wars, Order 66

In Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker turned to the darkside and became Darth Vader. His first order was to eliminate all the Jedi residing in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Not a single Jedi was spared, not even the younglings.

Assisted by his own elite 501st Legion led by Commander Appo, Order 66 was implemented. Hasbro released a special Order 66, 2 figures in a pack line. It came out in 2 waves consisting of 6 packs per wave.

This is number 5 of 6 from the first wave. It consist of Anakin Skywalker and an Airborne Trooper.

A.R.Ms Contents







Anakin Skywalker:
  • Swivel neck
  • Ball hinged shoulders
  • Swivel elbow (left)
  • Swivel elbow (right)
  • Swivel & replaceable hand (right)
  • Swivel torso
  • Lightsaber slash action (press legs together)
Airborne Trooper
  • Ball jointed neck
  • Swivel hinged shoulders
  • Swivel hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel torso
  • Swivel hips
  • Swivel hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles



USD 11 to USD 17 on most online stores.

"Step forward, Padawan. Anakin Skywalker, by the right of the Council... by the will of the Force... dub thee I do... Jedi... Knight of the Republic."
―Yoda, knighting Anakin Skywalker

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All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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