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Monday, November 17, 2008

A.R.Ms # 14: Marvel Legends, Cyclops

The X-Men. Comics, Graphic Novels, Cartoons, Movies and Action Figures. Every fan has a favourite character/s. Mine has always been Gambit and Psylocke. Unfortunately, I only have Psylocke. But this isn't a Psylocke review is it? It's Cyclops. Leader of the X-Men and the No. 1 student of Professor Xavier.

A.R.Ms Contents:


This Marvel Legends package comes with the "Build a Figure" series. The figure in this series is for the Brood Queen.




Here's the deal. I take one look at this figure, see the points of articulation and I say "Nice". But (of course there's a 'but') with a lot of articulation, you'll lose the chances of a good sculpt.

Up close and personal, he's a keeper. The paintwork is good, not the best, but still its very good.

You can even do his trademark 'fingers-touching-visor blaster'.


  • Swivel & hinged neck
  • Ball hinged shoulders
  • Swivel biceps(i'm not really sure what to call it)
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Hinged fingers(right hand)
  • Swivel torso
  • Swivel abdomen
  • Ball hinged hips
  • Hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles



and who said Cyclops was too serious???


USD 15 - USD 20 on Amazon. Could be lower on other online sites.

There's about 3 to 5 variations of Cyclops in the market at the moment. One follows the suit he used to wear in the comic books and 90's tv series. The blue and yellow suit. Another to add to your collection if you don't already have it.

Cheers and keep collecting.

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