Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Monday, December 29, 2008

A.R.Ms # 21: Star Wars, Clone Army Pt. 2

The Third Systems Army. A unit of the Grand Army of the Republic during the clone wars. It consisted of several battalions. One such battalion is the 212th Attack Battalion. You might remember in Episode III, the battle that took place in the Utapau system. This battalion, led by General Obi Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody took down Grievous and the Separatist army.

The 212th and now nicknamed "Utapau Clone Troopers" are distinguished by the orange markings on their armour.


A.R.Ms Contents:


Out of all the figures below, Clone Commander Cody is the hardest figure to find due to his popularity among clone army builders such as myself.

The Airborne Trooper above is also available in blue and purple markings from various battle packs and like the one I showed in A.R.Ms #19.

The Utapau Shadow clone trooper is a re-pack of a ROTS packaging. They've included an exclusive black collectors coin. Even though this clone trooper was never shown is the Revenge of the Sith movie, behind the scenes story tells us that these clone troopers were the ones responsible in locating Grievous on Utapau.

All the pics above was taken from



Despite the fact Cody is a great addition to ones collection, the articulation on this figure wasn't up to my expectations. No hinged ankles? No ball-jointed shoulders??

All the pics above was taken from



While the other figures in this lot would cost you on average USD 9 to 15, Commander Cody is very sought after so expect to pay no less than USD 20 and it might even reach USD 40.

Hopefully by next year I'll be able to do more reviews. To all the Bruneian Action Figure collectors out there, I'd like to hear from you guys/gals so drop by the chat box or make a comment. Thanks.

Related Posts:

Monday, December 22, 2008

A.R.Ms # 20: DC Direct, Re-Activated, Lobo

The Main Man, The 'Bo, Master Frag, Mister Machete, Scourge o' the Cosmos, The Ultimate Bastich...Lobo. You WANT to hate him but let's face it. You need your daily dose of anti-hero character. So you turn to Lobo. If you want a 'boy-scout' (as he calls it), you turn to Superman.

I've been a huge fan since I first read an issue of Lobo: Infanticide 16 years ago. Yes, 16 years ago. Despite being rude and self centered he does have his moments. Like destroying his home planet by releasing a plague that killed of his people...just for fun. So now he's has self-proclaimed himself to be the no. 1 bounty hunter in the galaxy. And he'll kill or 'frag' anyone that stands between him and his mark. Except of course, space dolphins.

A.R.Ms Contents:


The packaging is standard or in other words boring. I kinda like the packaging for the DC Direct Justice League. This just seems to waste a lot of space. I know they did a limited edition of Lobo and Dawg which is much better.




The scuplt tries to stay true to the comic character. The hair, the clothes are spot on. At the end of the day its the small details that counts.

The hook & chain, the Main Man's trademark

Cool belt buckle

I was hoping these would be removable but sadly they're not

  • Swivel neck
  • Ball jointed shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel hips
  • Swivel mid-thighs
  • Hinged knees
  • Removable hook & chain


(click on the pics to enlarge)


The reactivated series is very much available in online stores. Price ranges from USD 8 to 17. This was issued in 2006 so I'm sure there is a lot of people selling them on ebay.

Its almost 2009 folks. So, I've been thinking about doing something special for the New Year. So read the announcement below. To those who have visited this site so far, may you be our friends or relatives or the occasional daring/lost surfer, many thanks for stopping by.

Related Posts:

Monday, December 15, 2008

A.R.Ms # 19: Star Wars, Clone Army Pt. 1

The Clone Army of the Galactic Republic. In Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars fan had a good look at the different variations in the Clone Army. Most notably the different colors in their armor to signify different divisions.

Amongst the many shown, none were more infamous as the 501st Legion. The 501st Legion are a legion of elite clone troopers commissioned by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the clone wars. They were also under the command of General Anakin Skywalker. They were recognised by the blue color on their armor.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, a group of 501st Legion were transferred to Coruscant, home to the Jedi Order. Together with Anakin, then Darth Vader, they marched into the Jedi Temple and eliminated all the Jedi inside. Not even the younglings were spared. Order 66 was complete.

When the Republic was formed into the Galactic Empire, the 501st were given new armor and became Stormtroopers. Some say the Stormtroopers assigned to Darth Vader were all from the 501st and the only clones left. The rest of the clones in the other divisions either retired or were replaced. It was during their time as Stormtroopers the 501st was also known as Vader's Fist.

A.R.Ms Contents:


I've collected a few of the 501st from the basic Clone trooper to the Clone commander. Most of my collection were bought loose on ebay so I don't have the original packaging. Fortunately, I got these pics from

Clone Commander Appo



501st Legion Trooper




Order 66, Assault on the Jedi Temple.


Commander Appo

501st Trooper

Anakin Skywalker & 501st Airborne Trooper

All the pics above were taken from



On average these items would range from USD 10 to 15 each.

The fun thing about collecting clone troopers is the variation that you get. Plus, having one Clone Commander and one Clone trooper doesn't really look cool on the shelves. The 501st is also available in phase I armor. This is the armor you'd see in the recent Clone Wars Animated movie and series. So far the only available of the 501st is Clone Captain Rex and a 501st trooper.

I haven't decided if I want to start collecting a Clone Army based on the Animation yet. We'll see how it goes.

Next week in A.R.Ms, a very, very, very not so good visitor is in town.

Related Posts:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A.R.Ms # 18: DC Direct, Batman

Note: Even though this review is posted on a Wednesday, it's only because it took me 2 days to realise I never published the post. Normally, I'd write the post a few days ahead and save it as a draft in case I wanna make changes. Sorry folks!!

Luckily I don't get paid to do this or I'd definitely be out of a job.


Batman. Caped Crusader, Detective, Savior, Dark Knight. One of the few Superheroes that doesn't actually have super powers. Then again, if you're a multi-billionaire with a company that produces advance technology products, who needs them. Lex Luthor is a super villain without super powers either.

In this collection, we have from DC Direct, Justice League of America Series 2. The character details are from the very talented Brad Meltzer.

A.R.Ms Contents:




To those who have read JLA's - The Tornado's Path, this little cut-out at the back has got to the icing on the cake. Not that I'd cut it out and put it in my wallet or anything...really!!


The base plate

By far one of the best Batman comic figure I've come across.

I freaking love the cape. It's made from soft rubber(insert dirty joke here if you must). They managed to capture the 'flow' of the cape.

He looks so serious. Just how he should be.

Check out his...err...utility belt(what were you looking at??). The sculpt is excellent.

  • Swivel neck
  • Ball jointed shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel hips
  • Hinged knees



Standard is USD 15. But the Batman is everyone's favorite. So I'm guessing it will not last long on the shelves or online. But hey, you can get the whole Series 2 set guessed it. Heroes in a Box.


Next week in A.R.Ms: Star Wars Clone Army Episode I.

Related Posts:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good things come... those who wait for a sale. In this case, Toys R' Us had a sale on the Star Wars massive Millennium Falcon. Original price is AUD 240 and it's now AUD 99.99!!!

When I went there this morning I saw almost everyone had one in their shopping cart. I didn't even bother to look for a shopping cart. Just grabbed the falcon and brought it to the counter. I'm still grinning from the purchase. LoL.

Related Post:



All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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