A.R.Ms # 21: Star Wars, Clone Army Pt. 2
The Third Systems Army. A unit of the Grand Army of the Republic during the clone wars. It consisted of several battalions. One such battalion is the 212th Attack Battalion. You might remember in Episode III, the battle that took place in the Utapau system. This battalion, led by General Obi Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody took down Grievous and the Separatist army.
The 212th and now nicknamed "Utapau Clone Troopers" are distinguished by the orange markings on their armour.
A.R.Ms Contents:
Out of all the figures below, Clone Commander Cody is the hardest figure to find due to his popularity among clone army builders such as myself.


While the other figures in this lot would cost you on average USD 9 to 15, Commander Cody is very sought after so expect to pay no less than USD 20 and it might even reach USD 40.
Hopefully by next year I'll be able to do more reviews. To all the Bruneian Action Figure collectors out there, I'd like to hear from you guys/gals so drop by the chat box or make a comment. Thanks.
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