A.R.Ms # 29 : Marvel Select, Captain America
Ok, he's not the 'real' Captain America. All the same, he's shiny and has the shield so that's alright by me.
From the back of the box:
"Captain America has always stood for truth, justice and the American way. Picking up where the fallen Steve Rogers left off. James Buchanan Barnes now carries the legacy of Captain America into a new era. Drawing from his experiences as both Bucky and the Soviet's Winter Soldier, this new Captain America won't hesitate to do what needs to be done in order to safeguard American life and liberty - proving his worthiness to carry the shield of a legend."
By the way, I blame the people at Heroes in a Box for indirectly influencing me to get this figure. I'm not pissed. I just want someone to blame. LoL.
A.R.Ms Contents:

The thing with Marvel Select figures that I don't get is the packaging. It is so bulky. As a collector, when you see this kind of packaging you would expect the box to be full of extra accessories *hint*.
I love this figure and I didn't expect anything less from Diamond Select Toys. The figures that they have released in the past have been nothing but spectacular. My favorite so far would still have to be Emma Frost(don't laugh Kal-El).

- Ball jointed neck(limited movement)
- Ball jointed shoulders
- Hinged elbows
- Swivel wrists
- Swivel waist
- Ball hinged hips
- Hinged knees
- Hinged ankles
The overall articulation is good. Enough to make decent poses though I prefer to display it in a more statuesque kind of way.
Comparing this figure to the Marvel Legends figure, he is slightly tall. Not big, just umm...tall. He does fit in with my DC figures though.

This figure is available at:

while our local superhero store has, just to name a few in the Marvel Select line:

Marvel Select Incredible Hulk

Marvel Select Iron Man(I highly recommend this!!)
at Heroes in a Box starting from BND 44
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