Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Project: Wolverine

Notice something different about this picture?


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hellboy Animated 6"

Hi guys, something that I picked up recently. Hellboy Animated 6" from Gentle Giant Ltd.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Iron Fist

One of my fondest memory while growing up. Reading the adventures of Power Man(Luke Cage) and Iron Fist. He was cool back then in the 80's. He's even ultra cool now. There's an ongoing series called the Immortal Iron Fist. If you haven't read about him, I suggest you pick up a copy.


Friday, June 26, 2009

W.A.R. # 36 : DC Direct, Wonder Woman & Green Lantern

From the pages of the JLA series comes series 3 action figures which consist of Green Lantern(Hal Jordan), the ever graceful Wonder Woman, The Flash & Geo-Force. I picked out only two because the Flash looked kinda weird for me and Geo-Force is not really in my list of Must-Have superheroes.
W.A.R. Contents:
Standard packaging for the JLA series. No difference to the first 2 series.

Green Lantern

Hal Jordan is every Green Lantern fan's must-have figure. Mine has always been John Stewart. But this ain't John is it now? I've gone through every inch of this figure trying to find an uneven paint app and I couldn't find one. My only complaint about this figure is the ring. Its just a circle of green paint. C'mon can do better. This figure comes with his power battery and the JLA base stand.

Wonder Woman
This is the 2nd best sculpt for a Wonder Woman figure that I've seen so far. The best is still from the Wonder Woman series 1. At first I wasn't too sure about the sculpt showing off some of her muscles on her arms and thighs...but the look works. Its not too muscular and looks more of a woman who seems to exercise regularly. And by regularly I mean fighting other gorgeous woman in short dresses *drool*. The folds on her top is a nice touch(I'm referring to her clothes and nothing else...I swear!! LoL). The pain app is like Hal's, almost flawless. This figure comes with her lasso( her invisible jet too much to ask for?) and the JLA base stand.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


...or Dragon Ball wannabe?? LoL. Johnny Storm a.k.a. Human Torch of the Fantastic Four. I almost cried laughing...honest.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Retro T-Shirts - DC

I don't really collect much of DC shirts because I find that most of their designs are too big. I prefer the design to be just the logo rather than the character covering almost the entire shirt. I bought these at Jay Jay's last year during the Boxing Day sale for around AUD 5 each.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

W.A.R. # 35 : Gears of War 2, Marcus Fenix

This is a bit off from my normal list of action figures but damn it...this figure has been taunting me ever since I first saw it a couple of months ago on the shelves at Target. So, I decided to get it simply out of curiosity plus this figure is along the same height as my other M.L. and DC figures.
W.A.R. Contents:

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Honestly I've only played this game for me to really assess the sculpt is very subjective. Though I have been a fan of Neca for quite some time and this figure does not disappoint. Their sculpt has always been superb(I've said this more than once) and at the same time have always sacrificed articulation over it. But I've noticed that this figure has very decent articulation and allows for a number of reasonable poses.

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Put an eye patch and you can pass him off as a pirate.

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The figure comes with two accessories. His snub pistol and his fully automatic assault rifle a.k.a. The Lancer(no, this is not the car).
Even with the ball hinged shoulders, movement is a bit restricted due to the bulky figure and its accessories. But the joints are well hidden due to the color of his suit.
-Ball jointed neck(limited movement)
-Ball hinged shoulders
-Swivel biceps
-Hinged swivel elbows
-Ball jointed wrists
-Swivel waist
-Swivel hips
-Hinged knees
-Hinged ankles
I bought this for almost AUD 30. Pricey if you think about it but nonetheless almost similar to DC Direct figures and the quality is on par if not more superior.
I find myself really drawn to this figure the more I see it. Its true I'm not a big fan of Gears of War. But I'll be the first to admit a good action figure when I see one. Yes, its not exactly one of my proudest purchases. It was more of a "stop staring at me! ok, ok...I'll buy you" moment. Now I feel compelled to get 2 or 3 more figures from the series...ARGGHH. That or I could sell this off.

Related Posts:


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day 2009


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iron Man: War Machine & Stealth Striker Armor

Iron Man - Concept Series : Stealth Striker Armor


Friday, June 19, 2009

W.A.R. # 34 : Star Wars, Republic Gunship

If memory serves me correctly, this has got to be the 5th version of the Republic Gunship or as its formal designation, the Low Altitude Assault Transport(L.A.A.T). This particular version is based on the Star Wars, Clone Wars animated movie(the reference is the Twi'lek female painted on the side). To be honest, it's just another gunship with a different paint job. But I'll save the criticism for later. Now on with the show.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Maisto 1:18, Harley-Davidson




All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

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