This is a bit off from my normal list of action figures but damn it...this figure has been taunting me ever since I first saw it a couple of months ago on the shelves at Target. So, I decided to get it simply out of curiosity plus this figure is along the same height as my other M.L. and DC figures.
W.A.R. Contents:*************************************************************************************
Detail/SculptHonestly I've only played this game once...so for me to really assess the sculpt is very subjective. Though I have been a fan of Neca for quite some time and this figure does not disappoint. Their sculpt has always been superb(I've said this more than once) and at the same time have always sacrificed articulation over it. But I've noticed that this figure has very decent articulation and allows for a number of reasonable poses.
Put an eye patch and you can pass him off as a pirate.
The figure comes with two accessories. His snub pistol and his fully automatic assault rifle a.k.a. The Lancer(no, this is not the car).
ArticulationEven with the ball hinged shoulders, movement is a bit restricted due to the bulky figure and its accessories. But the joints are well hidden due to the color of his suit.
-Ball jointed neck(limited movement)
-Ball hinged shoulders
-Swivel biceps
-Hinged swivel elbows
-Ball jointed wrists
-Swivel waist
-Swivel hips
-Hinged knees
-Hinged ankles
PricingI bought this for almost AUD 30. Pricey if you think about it but nonetheless almost similar to DC Direct figures and the quality is on par if not more superior.
I find myself really drawn to this figure the more I see it. Its true I'm not a big fan of Gears of War. But I'll be the first to admit a good action figure when I see one. Yes, its not exactly one of my proudest purchases. It was more of a "stop staring at me! ok, ok...I'll buy you" moment. Now I feel compelled to get 2 or 3 more figures from the series...ARGGHH. That or I could sell this off.
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