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Thursday, June 11, 2009

W.A.R. # 32 : DC Superheroes, Mongul

If you went "Mongul...who?" I don't blame you. Not a lot of people know this character. Could it be because he bears resemblance to Darkseid(this is where you raise your hand and go "ooh, ooh I know Darkseid!!") thus people get a bit confused like being hit by a confundus charm. Sorry, that was my Hogwarts turrets acting up. In fact, a lot of comic fans think of Mongul as a cheap rip-off to Darkseid's character...whatever that means.

W.A.R. Contents:


The packaging is simple, a blister card with clear bubble in the front to show the figure. Included with the figure is a diorama stand that also has the name of the character. The diorama is quite good actually, compared to the Marvel Legends diorama stand. One thing is missing at the back of the box though. Normally action figures has a brief explanation or description of the figure like their origins/power/fav. food(sorry). This simply lists out the figures available in the series.

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I've never had much complaint when it comes to DC figures. Their sculpt is usually spot-on. This figure is of no exception. Not really tall, but bulky and with a mean disposition just like a tyrant should be. Mongul looks like he is in the middle of a growl. That or he had to much oysters for lunch.

Figure with Stand

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Figure Details

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One for the Books

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Mattel produces very decent articulation with DC figures. It was apparent back then with this, their S3 Select Sculpt and they have keep their tradition with the current DC Classics Universe line. I'd like to see they venture into making articulated fingers so that the figures have more posing options. Mongul has 19 points of articulation.
-Ball jointed neck
-Swivel hinged shoulders
-Swivel upper arms
-Hinged elbows
-Swivel wrists
-Hinged abdomen
-Swivel Waist
-Swivel hinged hips
-Swivel upper legs
-Hinged knees
-Hinged ankles


I picked this up a week ago at Coles Supermarket(think Supasave) of all places. Not that Coles has the largest toys section, mind you(it's more like one rack...and that's if you're lucky enough). Anyway, I've seen this figure displayed there since last year and never gave it much thought 'cos it was priced for about $17.50. So when they decided to put it on clearance for $4..."what is?" right? Its a shame they only this, Darkseid & Supergirl left.

Where to get this figure? Don't buy this figure from the internet that's for sure. In Brunei you could ask around, chances are the people at House of El or Toyzstation or C.H. Toynation will know.

I think the writers of Mongul never gave him a chance. The made him up, somehow in the process he looked like Darkseid and even ruled over a planet called Warworld as opposed to Darkseid's Apokolips. They gave him powers that was almost as powerful as Superman's. Killed him off and getting reborn as Mongul (son of the original, yet the same name).

He never was a major threat to the Man of Steel with the exception of the story "The Man Who Has Everything", originally from the comics and later adapted for the Justice League animation series. In that story the potential of 'super-villain status' was there. He managed to hurt Superman emotionally rather than physical. Which in my mind is the biggest threat to Superman. Only time will tell...or the fans, whichever comes first, if Mongul deserves to be a major player as a villain in the DCU.

As far as being a bad ass goes, Mongul has been ranked by IGN at #41 as one of the Greatest Comic Book Villain of all time. I think he could have even been in the top 10 if it wasn't for his pink/purple-ish boots. Then again that's just me.

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