W.A.R. # 31 : Star Wars, T.L.C, Millennium Falcon
"Oh, What the Phantom Menace is that guy's problem!?" Chris Griffin as Luke Skywalker from Family Guy: Blue Harvest.-
I've put off the this review since last year. Mainly because its freaking huge and I don't know where to start. The M.F. is 2.5 feet in length. Has lots of features and yet from first impressions, Luke Skywalker described it as "A piece of junk". Lando mentioned it as "The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy". Some 32 years after it first appeared on the big screen. the Millennium Falcon has become one of the most iconic star ship in sci-fi history.
The Corellian freighter or its designation the YT-1300F is one of the most common used freighter by smugglers thus Han Solo owned one and was fated to carry 4 very important passengers.
*************************************************************************************I've put off the this review since last year. Mainly because its freaking huge and I don't know where to start. The M.F. is 2.5 feet in length. Has lots of features and yet from first impressions, Luke Skywalker described it as "A piece of junk". Lando mentioned it as "The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy". Some 32 years after it first appeared on the big screen. the Millennium Falcon has become one of the most iconic star ship in sci-fi history.
The Corellian freighter or its designation the YT-1300F is one of the most common used freighter by smugglers thus Han Solo owned one and was fated to carry 4 very important passengers.
W.A.R. Contents:
A big box to fit a very big ship. Pics were borrowed from rebelscum 'cos my box is in the store room(i think).
The front box has a small window to display the two figures that came with this ship. Han Solo in smugglers outfit and Chewbacca in his errr...usual furry nature.
The fact that the idea to sculpt the M.F. came to George Lucas from a burger with the pickle on the side as it's cockpit is part of history. But honestly for me, Harrison Ford's acting and the crew that built the M.F. made it believable. I mean, I don't think Clint Eastwood could have done a better job(no disrespecting Mr. Dirty Harry).
The Exterior
My fav part of the whole ship is the automatic boarding ramp...I know...I'm easily entertained.
Escape Pod/Mini Fighter
According to the Star Wars Universe, this feature was part of the M.F's design but was never featured in the movies. Here, the M.F. comes with an escape pod/mini fighter that fits snugly inside a small docking bay on the side.
A good defense is a strong offense.
From the cockpit to the sick bay(I tried to recreate a scene from Episode V) to smuggling compartments. This B.M.F(Big Millennium Falcon...not Big M***** F*****) is like a boy's version of a girl's dollhouse without the feeling of being called a sissy. Huh?
Gunner Seat
In the movie you'll see the gunner seats that Han & Luke sat in when they escaped from the Death Star. Here you only get one seat that controls both the Top & Lower Quad Cannons. And yeah...to get the figure seated in that small area is a bitch and half...just so you know.
- Boarding ramp
- Opening cockpit
- Docking Bay with escape pod/mini fighter
- Pivoting turrets cannons
- Swivel Sensor dish
- Tons of sound effects and lights
- Definitely will put a smile on your face
Expect to dish out more than BND 200 for this baby, minus shipping. If you can find it for around BND 150 to BND 180 that is good enough. I got it for AUD 99...and NO, I s**t you not. Whatever the reason Toys R' Us decided to sell it at that outrageous price, is non of my concern. But I'm damn glad they did. Normal price nowadays is around AUD 180.
Entertainment Earth(as I type this) is having a 50% discount on this item. Selling at USD 149.99
Entertainment Earth(as I type this) is having a 50% discount on this item. Selling at USD 149.99
If you're a die hard fan of Star Wars, chances are you have this or the previous, smaller(I'm not making comparisons...a ship is a ship) version. If you are the occasional fan like myself or a fan of vehicles in general you will LOVE this star ship. Tell me to my face that you'd turn it down if this arrived on your doorstep...I dare you.
As usual, till next time, as my pal Kal-El says..."Keep it Real".
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