I'll be brief with this post. I'm not gonna talk a whole lot about the TMNT. This is the one set of collection that I have that was not decided entirely by myself. I came across a review for these figures at another site. In all my time of collecting figures I am usually unbiased when it comes to choosing the figures. Unfortunately, this was not one of those times. Never had I read a review that was so moving and full of passion that made me think "Wow, I must get those figures". Damn you POE! LoL.
The sculpt and articulation is really wonderful and these are fast becoming my fav figures on the shelves. Even though their bandana is the same color, their facial expressions shows exactly each character.
FierceUnfortunately, the figures doesn't display well with my M.L and DC figures. It does however looks nice with my Hellboy and Gears of War figure.

If you've managed to get hold of the 25th Anniversary TMNT figures, these would really compliment those figures.
But don't let me persuade you, have a go at Poe's
review over at OAFE.net.