The Iron Monger Cometh
This is about the action figure. It seems I still haven't gotten enough out of the Iron Man movie action figures. Truthfully, I have but fate has other ideas. Target was having a clearance for these figures for the past month or so. I think it's all gone by now. These figures were going for $6 - $8 each from their original price of $16. So I thought there was no harm in getting another figure.
There are currently 4 types of Iron Monger figure that I know of. The first version is in the pic below(right) and sports a different color scheme. The color looks almost brown edging towards bronze. This figure has a spring loaded waist. When you put the legs together the waist will swivel creating a 'punch' action. This unfortunately takes away the articulation in the hips.The other figure(left) is the one I got last month. This figure has the opening cockpit to reveal part of Obadiah's body and his head.
A decent sculpt all around. The colors are better than the first version. At least this comes close to the metallic look of the figure in the movie. There are signs of black wash all over the body and gives it a bit of greasy look.
Articulation is definitely better than the first figure simply because there articulation in the legs.
The only minus point about this figure is the center piece on the armor. Compared with the first version, this has only a sticker...a STICKER? Why couldn't they just stick with the same blue plastic they used in the first version? Maybe I'll look around on how to customize this problem.
Side by side with the Iron Man Mark 03.
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