Farewell Crystal IV
The first 2 Crystals had been Desktop PC's. The first is still my favourite(throw in "because she was my first" joke here) because my 2 pals and I built her ourselves. By 'built' I meant we bought all the parts and put her together. And it was amazing and sad at the same time. Amazing because we were really into overclocking back then and this was before you could buy all the sorts of cooling fan including water cooling. So Crystal I was a desktop PC running on AMD K6-2 266MHz processor and overclocked to run at almost 400MHz. Sad because this meant it was a system that was constantly on the brink of shutting down due to the heat. A big hole on the side casing with a video fan attached was the solution(like I said it was sad). It was a big thing back then with computer enthusiast. Who could overclock their system and not have the damn thing crash.
Well enough history. So now, my Dell XPS M1210 has served me well. Heck, she's traveled with me everywhere for the past 2 years. From K.L. to Singapore to Manila to Ho Chi Minh and lastly to Australia. Now, probably a burnt video card but also her way of saying I should move on to another. Thanks babe. We will miss you.
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