The 91st Reconnaissance Corps was a corps of recon troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Comprising divisions of clone troopers and BARC troopers, the 91st Reconnaissance Corps was led by Clone Marshal Commander Neyo. Aside from BARC speeders, the corps utilized AT-AP walkers and AT-RT walkers.
The identifying marks of the 91st were small red circles with a white sword pointing upside down running across them. To protect their commander, 91st's lieutenants wore, like Neyo, a specialized helmet very similar to those of clone assassins that gave them a more sinister look.
Commander Neyo's troops were part of the multi-division task force led by High Jedi General Oppo Rancisis on Saleucami during the Outer Rim Sieges. Elements of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps fought in the ensuing battle, and remained planetside in the aftermath to scout out remaining pockets of Separatist or Morgukai resistance.
During Order 66, Commander Neyo and his Recon Corps were led by Jedi Master Stass Allie during their patrols of the Saleucami plains. Neyo and his men turned on their Jedi General. Neyo and his wingman, CT-3423, opened fire on Allie's speeder bike, killing her in the resulting explosion.
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PackagingThis collection was from several series. The clone trooper on Barc speeders came from the T.A.C Treachery on Saleucami. Jedi Master Stass Allie and the Saleucami Trooper came from the 2008 T.L.C.

Detail/SculptWhen I first saw the Saleucami troopers and their red markings, it all seemed too familiar. It took me quite a while to figure it out until I saw the Australian Post logo. It is almost identical!!

The clone troopers of the 91st Reconnaissance Corp(above) and Commander Neyo(below). Notice how the Commander and his troops have similar armour?


FreestyleMy interpretation of Order 66. This scene would've been much better for Jedi Master Stass Allie instead of just being shot down on her speeder.

PricingThe battlepack is still available from Entertainment Earth for USD 23.99. The other TLC figures are still available at the stores though its becoming scarce.
Click on the link below to go to E.E's website to purchase:

I've been busy these past few days trying to put together a new blog for my reviews. So, I hope the bloggers that have bookmarked my page to update the new blog site. It'll be complete on issue # 31. Stay cool guys & gals.
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