Front Line:

- 1st W.A.R. Competition: Winners here.

- Simplifying the reviews because I'm having trouble with the blog script and I'm too tired to change the blog template again!

- I've uploaded some pics of my collection here.

- Reviews In Progress:

|Coming Soon|

Monday, February 23, 2009

A.R.Ms # 29 : Marvel Select, Captain America

Ok, he's not the 'real' Captain America. All the same, he's shiny and has the shield so that's alright by me.

From the back of the box:

"Captain America has always stood for truth, justice and the American way. Picking up where the fallen Steve Rogers left off. James Buchanan Barnes now carries the legacy of Captain America into a new era. Drawing from his experiences as both Bucky and the Soviet's Winter Soldier, this new Captain America won't hesitate to do what needs to be done in order to safeguard American life and liberty - proving his worthiness to carry the shield of a legend."

By the way, I blame the people at Heroes in a Box for indirectly influencing me to get this figure. I'm not pissed. I just want someone to blame. LoL.

A.R.Ms Contents:


The thing with Marvel Select figures that I don't get is the packaging. It is so bulky. As a collector, when you see this kind of packaging you would expect the box to be full of extra accessories *hint*.


I love this figure and I didn't expect anything less from Diamond Select Toys. The figures that they have released in the past have been nothing but spectacular. My favorite so far would still have to be Emma Frost(don't laugh Kal-El).

The base has two foot pegs to hold the figure in place.

The gun is removable and so is the shield. His other accessories include a knife and a water bottle...go figure.

  • Ball jointed neck(limited movement)
  • Ball jointed shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel waist
  • Ball hinged hips
  • Hinged knees
  • Hinged ankles
The overall articulation is good. Enough to make decent poses though I prefer to display it in a more statuesque kind of way.


Comparing this figure to the Marvel Legends figure, he is slightly tall. Not big, just umm...tall. He does fit in with my DC figures though.


This figure is available at:

Entertainment Earth : Marvel Select Captain America (Masked) Action Figure, NM @ USD 16.99

while our local superhero store has, just to name a few in the Marvel Select line:

Marvel Select Incredible Hulk


Marvel Select Iron Man(I highly recommend this!!)

at Heroes in a Box starting from BND 44


Related Posts:

Monday, February 16, 2009

A.R.Ms # 28 : DC Direct, Black Canary

The Black Canary. The Blonde Bombshell. What more can we say? DC comics made one helluva lady. Clad in a leather jacket and fishnet stockings she is one of the undisputed powerhouse of the DC universe. She possesses a power called "Canary Cry" which is a high-pitched sonic scream. Yet her reputation does not come from that. Instead its her martial arts skills which some say even surpasses the Batman.

As a member of the J.L.A she proved that, not only is she "easy on the eyes" but also she is one of their best leader. This figure is part of the DC Direct, Justice League of America Series 1.

A.R.Ms Contents:



Ain't she gorgeous? Though she does have that Japanese Anime look.

C'mon now...what were you looking at??

Somehow she kinds of remind me of Pam in that crap movie Barbwire

  • Ball jointed neck
  • Swivel shoulders
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel wrists
  • Swivel legs
  • Hinged knees
A bit disappointing in the articulation section. I would have liked to see this figure to have more articulation especially in the shoulders and waist. Though I can understand why the makers decided not put them in. A swivel waist would ruin the 'sexy' look of her suit. But a ball jointed shoulder could've made a huge improvement in posing options.


The Black Canary in action in the hit 2001 series, The Justice League.


This figure is very hard to find nowadays. It would definitely be sold out in the normal stores or comic shops. Your best bet is online. Amazon is listing this starting from USD 45. Series 1 contains a set of 5 individual figures. They were Superman, Red Arrow, Black Lightning and Vixen.

Currently Series 2 and 3 is still available from these sellers:

Heroes in a box

I must admit that I'm not into all the figures from each series. I'm also guessing Series 3 is the most popular because 3 out the 4 figures is highly sought after. I've gotten Wonder Woman and G.L. from Series 3. Hopefully, I can get the Flash and do the review soon. So till next time, don't forget that A.R.Ms is moving to a new blog. Cheers.

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A.R.Ms # 27: Star Wars, Clone Army, Pt. 3

The 91st Reconnaissance Corps was a corps of recon troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Comprising divisions of clone troopers and BARC troopers, the 91st Reconnaissance Corps was led by Clone Marshal Commander Neyo. Aside from BARC speeders, the corps utilized AT-AP walkers and AT-RT walkers.

The identifying marks of the 91st were small red circles with a white sword pointing upside down running across them. To protect their commander, 91st's lieutenants wore, like Neyo, a specialized helmet very similar to those of clone assassins that gave them a more sinister look.

Commander Neyo's troops were part of the multi-division task force led by High Jedi General Oppo Rancisis on Saleucami during the Outer Rim Sieges. Elements of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps fought in the ensuing battle, and remained planetside in the aftermath to scout out remaining pockets of Separatist or Morgukai resistance.

During Order 66, Commander Neyo and his Recon Corps were led by Jedi Master Stass Allie during their patrols of the Saleucami plains. Neyo and his men turned on their Jedi General. Neyo and his wingman, CT-3423, opened fire on Allie's speeder bike, killing her in the resulting explosion.

A.R.Ms Contents:


This collection was from several series. The clone trooper on Barc speeders came from the T.A.C Treachery on Saleucami. Jedi Master Stass Allie and the Saleucami Trooper came from the 2008 T.L.C.


When I first saw the Saleucami troopers and their red markings, it all seemed too familiar. It took me quite a while to figure it out until I saw the Australian Post logo. It is almost identical!!

The clone troopers of the 91st Reconnaissance Corp(above) and Commander Neyo(below). Notice how the Commander and his troops have similar armour?



My interpretation of Order 66. This scene would've been much better for Jedi Master Stass Allie instead of just being shot down on her speeder.


The battlepack is still available from Entertainment Earth for USD 23.99. The other TLC figures are still available at the stores though its becoming scarce.

Click on the link below to go to E.E's website to purchase:


I've been busy these past few days trying to put together a new blog for my reviews. So, I hope the bloggers that have bookmarked my page to update the new blog site. It'll be complete on issue # 31. Stay cool guys & gals.

Related Posts:


Friday, February 6, 2009

Snowtrooper, the early years...

A screen capture from that episode. A scene between Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker.


Monday, February 2, 2009

A.R.Ms # 26: Iron Man, Mark III, 12" Repulsor Blast

I remember I saw a lot of this figure in Kiulap before I left for Canberra last year. I didn't give it much thought about buying it back then. I'm not a real fan of 12" figures but I couldn't pass up the opportunity when it was on sale. If I had the option of choosing a 12" Iron Man it would definitely be from Hot Toys. Those are super sweet!

Well this is not from Hot Toys but it'll do for now.

A.R.Ms Contents:


The packaging is standard, big and bulky with a clear plastic in the front. This even had a hole so that you can press the button for the sounds.


Even back then when it came out I noticed there wasn't much in terms of articulation for this figure. The paint work looked decent enough. Usually, I would have a problem with glossy paint on an action figure. After seeing the movie, this was a must for this figure.

Even the gold paint was very even(I kinda have a problem with Hasbro and their use of gold paint on action figures).

This figure came with 3 projectiles and is inserted in the right hand as in the pic above. Not really a big feature for me, then again I'm not complaining about it either. The overall feel of the figure is very sturdy. Definitely built to withstand the occasional beating of a 4 year old.

At first I thought the sound effects were kinda cool. To activate them you could either press the chest button to hear blasting noises and Iron Man talking. Or move the left arm up and down to light up the 'repulsor' ray and sound. Or press the right heel to activate flight sound.

This whole sound effect was ok for the first 5 minutes. Then you realise the flight sound is always on because whenever you put him down in a standing position the flight button is accidentally pressed...and you start to get very annoyed.


  • Swivel neck
  • Swivel shoulders 90 deg to the front only
  • Hinged elbows
  • Swivel hips
  • Hinged knees

It is really one of those action figures which was built with the word 'toy' in mind before 'collector's edition'. To display him in an acceptable manner is almost impossible. Its understandable that the makers did not want to ruin the electronics in this figure by adding to much articulation. But the hands at least could have been better.

The "I'm-in-a-boy band" pose(above) or the "Stop! Red light!" pose(below).


Starting from USD 25.99 at Entertainment Earth. Check it out here:Repulsor-Power Iron Man Movie Action Figure

I saw some online pictures of the same figure in Mark II suit. Available to Entertainment Earth in Feb 2009: Repulsor-Power Iron Man Mark II Movie Action Figure. That would be interesting to have now that I already own this. I admit if this figure had more articulation it would be a great figure instead of just 'nice'. With that said, it really looks super sweet displayed with my other figures.

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All of the film previews, clips and pictures here are publicly available and found at various sites on the internet. These film previews and clips are intended for review purposes.

If you hold the rights to any of the materials and wish me to remove it, please contact me.

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