Front Line:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

A.R.Ms # 23: 501st Stormtrooper, Vader's Fist

Stormtroopers. Army of the Galactic Empire.

The very name of the Fighting 501st inspires fear across the galaxy. These elite troopers – the very best and brightest culled from the Imperial legions – serve Lord Vader in all things. They are the first on the ground in any important Imperial offensive, and the thunder of their boots is a harbinger of the doom that awaits those who would stand against the Empire.

A.R.Ms Contents:


The figure comes in an exclusive Star Wars Star Case(makes it almost a shame to open it...then again).



I know the cliche' is "this is a MUST have figure". But seriously...if you're a fan. You need to HAVE this in your collection. This was a San Diego Comic Conference exclusive figure. The original packaging had "Comic Con Exclusive, San Diego 2006". Although this Stormtrooper is not featured in any of the Star Wars movies, it is part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

The 501st Legion insignia

There is even a holster for the gun

Very, very cool boots...Ferragamo?


(as usual: Pic above is taken from

I wanted to arrange a few of these great Stormtroopers with Darth Vader in the center. But I changed my mind. So, sorry no freestyle pics this week.


There are two versions of this figure. The SDCC exclusive figure and then there is the one I managed to get. The same figure but has a lesser value because it was issued after the SDCC. If you're interested in this figure, expect to pay around USD 15 - 30. This one is a keeper so I'm expecting the price will increase over the next few years(unless Hasbro decides to re-pack this figure, which I bet they will!)

I've lined up a few reviews on some of the Star Wars Legacy Vehicles that I have in my collection. So don't forget to follow this blog. Cheers and keep collecting!

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