Seeing Green
The Turtles are here! They were delivered yesterday morning. I'm just thrilled to finally have these guys in my collection. Now, before you go reminiscing and start singing "heroes in a half shell", these aren't the garden varieties TMNT that we're used to watching back in the late 1980's. These are the original TMNT that spawned the phenomenon who made their first appearance on paper in 1984 by creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
This was the cover of the first issue.The main differences between these turtles and the animated are the tails(the cartoons did not have tails), bandanna - the animated used different colors for each turtle. It also turns out the originals really kicked ass while its animated counterparts had a more PG rated violence(e.g. Leonardo never used his Katana sword to cut the bad guys). There are also two variations of these figures. The first are the same but each figure comes with a base. The other is a box set and all the figures are in black in white to reflect the original characters.

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